Best features of 2016
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Best features of 2016

With 2016 drawing to an end, we invite you to read some of our best features of the year. All articles are accessible without a trial or subscription until the end of December.

Italy’s circle of NPL hell

Bad debt, European bureaucracy, political turmoil – is there any hope for Italy’s banking sector? In this series, Euromoney guides you through Italy’s very real circle of hell.  


Iran’s bankers wait for Trump’s next move

“My understanding so far is: Democrats say something, do something else and stab you in the back. With Republicans, it’s two ways – war or business.”


The titanic struggles of German banking

German banks are sinking in a sea of stubborn politics, tighter regulation and low interest rates. In this series, Euromoney looks at whether the famed three pillars of German banking is headed for disaster. 



Growing pains of marketplace lenders

The fintech darlings of online lending are becoming victims of their own success. Questions over loan performance and industry structure have put the young sector firmly in the regulators’ sights. What started out as a market known for its transparency is becoming increasingly complex, not least through the growing use of securitization and involvement of the biggest banks and asset managers. Marketplace lending needs to grow up fast. 


How Argentina beat the bondholder stand-off

Euromoney tells the inside story of those who took Argentina on every step of its journey back to the markets, and in the process became the region’s poster-story for eschewing tired populism and embracing policies that should lead to renewed growth, prosperity and optimism. 



Financial inclusion: Fintech & fraud – microfinance faces balancing act in Africa

For microfinancier Finca, a painful episode of fraud opened a window into the dangers that accompany progress: "The reality in this business is if you don’t have fraud, you also don’t evolve. Because no risk manager or person sitting down in a room is going to figure out everything. These guys [fraudsters] figure it out much quicker." 




Can Cryan halt Deutsche Bank’s decline?

 Deutsche is at the end of an era. The question now is: is it at the end of its empire, as well? 


Nationalism: Global risks rise as banks beat a retreat

How global banks face the challenge of rising nationalism will define the industry for a generation. 




Banks take over blockchain

Everything you thought you knew about blockchain is wrong.


Has Brexit killed CMU?

To survive Brexit, Capital Markets Union will have to get global. 




Biometric banking and the $600 billion opportunity

India’s billion-strong biometric database is driving an extraordinary revolution in digital banking.



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