Are you ready to provide optimum learning in a hybrid world?

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In the first of our Hybrid Learning series, our Chief Learning Officer, Lorraine Taylor considers key takeaways from the last 15 months of remote delivery to help prepare for the world of hybrid L&D.

As hybrid working comes to the fore, it’s worthwhile taking a quick look back at what we’ve learnt from delivering remote learning during the pandemic to help us prepare for hybrid learning. In this short article, I’ll share our key takeaways and views on what’s next.

Over the last 15 months, we’ve been given insight into future CLO spend, research on the usefulness of video content, results of scientific studies on the reality of Zoom fatigue – and the list goes on. By now we all have a view on why remote learning is or isn’t better, influenced by our networks, work/life requirements, organisational learning culture and ability to adapt. We’ve had time to test the abundance of EdTech and decide what’s right for our organisations – amongst others, I’m a fan of the interactive flipchart for co-creation meetings.

So, what can I add to the debate as CLO of a learning solutions provider? I’ve spent time reviewing and analysing what we’ve trialled at Euromoney Learning to determine “What’s Next?”. And the results… unsurprisingly, we’ve learned loads along the way. Below are some of my key takeaways:

  1. Client requirements haven’t changed: as you might expect, there is still no “one size fits all”. Our programmes still have to answer a particular business need, accommodate learners with different learning approaches and incorporate the right blend of content, resources and approaches.

  2. Design requirements have changed: what’s different is there are new considerations, e.g. accommodating increased cognitive load and effective delivery of behavioural skills practise sessions. For us that’s meant more creative design, incorporating more opportunities for learners to interact and definitely more breaks during live sessions!

  3. Co-creation helps: it’s more important now to reflect clients’ response to remote working. Asynchronous is more popular: for clients who want to alleviate screen fatigue and increase learner accountability.

  4. Networking and collaboration are [still] key: our successes include programmes with planned “formal informal” sessions and enhanced nudge campaigns to encourage forum discussions in a safe environment.

  5. Replacing a physical flipchart isn’t easy! Whilst many of our trainers still like the speed and ease of writing on a traditional flipchart, they’ve embraced the importance of inclusion and found their preferred online equivalent – or creative alternatives.

  6. Engaging participants takes effort: re-engineering programmes helps, but it’s still hard to pick up on facial cues and subtle changes in body language online, and impossible if people choose to switch the camera off!

So, how do we use this data to figure out what really comes next? My view is our focus should now be on how to adapt learning strategy. The answer seems obvious: update it to reflect business strategy. But what does that really mean if you’re embracing hybrid working? Along with the associated element of choice comes the need for even more creativity to design an inclusive programme during which participants have fun, challenge their thinking and feel equally able to interact regardless of location. The tech is out there to facilitate people coming together; it’s up to us to experiment and create the right content and approach.

I’d love to hear what you've learnt and how you’ve adapted your L&D offer. If you'd like to share ideas and/or hear more about what we've tried, do get in touch by sending me an email at

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