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March 1999

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  • Merrill Lynch Mercury Asset Management reports that UK FTSE 350 companies, excluding banks, are sitting on £65 billion ($108 billion) of cash, most of it placed on deposit in the interbank market. It further estimates that European corporations, insurance companies and pension funds are together rolling over some $561 billion of liquidity, mainly through interbank deposits. Corporates account for some 70% of that liquidity. These companies haggle with their banks to cut liability costs by a few basis points. They should ask themselves whether they are also earning a competitive return on their cash assets.
  • The comparison between poacher and gamekeeper was inevitable from the moment the Brazilian government put forward Armínio Fraga Neto's name as the new central bank president in February. In a matter of weeks Fraga has gone from star Wall Street investor to stout defender of the real, a currency tattered by repeated attacks from traders.
  • For this, our 27th ranking of the world's countries by creditworthiness, we have altered the scoring slightly. We have included a measure of per capita income into the score given for economic performance. This has boosted the ranking of a number of countries - especially smaller ones -which were previously penalized because little data was available on their economic performance (see methodology).
  • Oman has recently opened the first interbank repo market in the Gulf and East African region. One of the quietest success stories in the world, this small Gulf country is helping to ensure future growth by the establishment of a modern financial and banking system.
  • The euro will fall by a further 10% against the dollar and reach parity with the US currency within a year.
  • There is a growing backlash - academic and political - against privatization. Influential figures have even argued for re-nationalization. But given the wealth of evidence in favour of privatization, this would be a disaster, argues James Smalhout.
  • The launch of the euro seems to have strengthened German banks' competitive advantage, rather than undermining it as some had expected. Despite increased competition, the capital market is going from strength to strength. And feeding on this growth is Frankfurt - home to the European Central Bank - fast becoming the financial epicentre of euroland. Is this all too good to last? Laura Covill reports.
  • Developing countries don't need central banks, argues Steve Hanke. They may not even need their own currencies. Argentina should lead the way by unilaterally adopting the dollar.
  • While Europe's states integrate, its regions come to the fore as economic actors. None is more determined to make itself noticed than the Basque Country, historically one of Europe's leading financial and industrial centres. It's part of a growing club of regions who tap international capital markets, looking for cheap funds and self-promotion. It's also a standard-bearer for the argument that euroland regions can be better credits than states. Marcus Walker reports.
  • A slowdown in domestic economic growth and meltdown in Russia and Brazil have put pressure on financial institutions across the Andean region. Justine Newsome examines what it will take for the banks to survive the storm.
  • Antipathy between the Inter-American Development Bank's biggest shareholders -Brazil and the US - is long-standing. But when Brazil faced financial ruin they struck a new deal: the IDB can now fund IMF-style emergency lending programmes, and turn its soft-currency reserves into concessionary loans. But the bank's smaller members resent how the deal was done, and it has stoked up political and ideological differences among the staff. Brian Caplen reports.
  • Antonio Ortiz Mena is one of the outstanding Latin American economic policymakers of this century. In 12 years as Mexico's finance minister and 17 years as the president of the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), as well as periods in other important posts in the Mexican government, Ortiz Mena has been involved in virtually all key economic challenges facing the region over the last 50 years.
  • Bankers who risk billions every day at work often turn out to be adrenaline addicts in their spare time. Guy Hands, the UK's highest-paid financier and enigmatic leader of Nomura's principal finance group is one such. He has just pumped a sizeable chunk of his £40 million-a-year package into Rockingham motor-racing track in Northamptonshire, the first purpose-built oval track to open in the UK since 1907.
  • How best to track performance in the European bond markets is hotly debated by the region's bond-trading firms. There will be rich rewards for the index compilers that come out on top in euroland. But defining the market to meet investors' needs is proving a challenge. Peter Lee reports.
  • Behind the thriving anarchy of China's coastline there's an industrial hinterland that is depressed, debt-ridden and still largely state-controlled. Few bosses of the state-owned enterprises there have the power to cut their workforce or pay bonuses. Even if they do, the state-owned banks are keeping them and the competition on life-support. Overcapacity, pollution and poverty are omnipresent, part-mitigated by the huge Three Gorges Dam project, which employs 25,000 people and will displace two million. Euromoney's Steven Irvine followed investment scout Richard Tsiang into the interior to see China's true economic heartland - a textile company that raise pigs, a salt plant with its eyes on a broadcast-equipment producer and a television factory that wants to give away its products
  • The Nordic region, with its concentration of internationally recognized corporates, prosperous retail markets and developed capital markets, is an attractive prize. The race to become the regional powerhouse is on. Euan Hagger reports.
  • "I know success is hard to write about, but you should congratulate the entire financial services industry - the banks, the broker dealers, the custodians, the clearing systems, the market-data providers - for their efficiency, commitment, resilience and professionalism," says Jacques Favillier, Emu project co-ordinator at Dresdner Kleinwort Benson. Several weeks after the birth of the euro, there is still a note of faint disbelief in Favillier's voice that financial markets didn't suffer major disruptions during the changeover weekend. "It's been a big surprise. It's gone far better than I thought," he says.
  • After months of frustration, the foreign banks negotiating repayment of Russian debt are as divided among themselves as they are against the Russian government. Deutsche Bank's decision to accept the latest offer while leading a 19-bank committee still fighting over terms has caused uproar. Individual banks now have to decide whether to follow Deutsche's example or take legal action in a last-ditch attempt to recover some of the $40 billion in rouble debt on which the government defaulted last August. Jack Dyson reports.
  • As Brazil picks up the pieces after its currency devaluation, it needs to fight off spiralling inflation and recession. The country's ability to regain investor confidence is crucial to the whole of Latin America. Jonathan Wheatley reports
  • Fixed-income investors are piling into Hungary, gambling that interest rates will fall as it prepares for accession to the European Union. But is their enthusiasm justified? Charles Olivier reports.
  • "Clear your desk!" They're terrifying words in most offices. But if you work for ABN Amro, fear not. It's just part of the bank's "clean desk campaign".
  • Bankers might be forgiven for thinking that when lawyers get their teeth into a juicy case they make it run and run. But, warns Christopher Stoakes, we have still to hear the last of the swaps cases
  • Olivetti's bid for Telecom Italia will prove a watershed in European corporate finance whether it succeeds or not. First, it shows that the orgy of shareholder value-linked corporate restructuring promised by proponents of the euro will happen, and faster than anyone predicted. Second, it is proof that, however much Europeans may try to prevent it, what happens in the US eventually happens in Europe. This is an unprecedented hostile leveraged bid. At a stroke every European corporation has been forced to acknowledge that it is in play. And at a stroke it has created a US-style environment for investment banks, their corporate advisory teams and the leveraged lenders. Right now all over the eurozone corporations are hiring investment banks to explore defences and acquisitions of their own.
  • One does not mess with the head of the Botín clan, Spain's most powerful banking dynasty, even if you happen to be the boss's daughter.
  • Talking of Deutsche Bank, when the twin towers give up on Russia it's time to take stock. The bank has had a relationship with the country for a century and more - a relationship someone senior in Frankfurt must think worth preserving at the expense of almost total write-off. But should the bank have caved in? After all, the Russians have generally shown no willingness to accept that the default by a former superpower on its government debt is a serious matter.
  • With non-performing loans at some Thai banks running at horrifying rates, it's perhaps understandable that tough collection methods are needed, but isn't hiring martial arts experts a step too far?
  • A good dose of Anglo-Saxon culture is what the European Central Bank needs on its executive board, and the quickest way to achieve that is for the UK to join the euro. This isn't UK prime minister Tony Blair speaking, it's Francesco Giavazzi, economics professor at Bocconi University in Milan.
  • For a country crippled by bloody civil war, Sri Lanka has seen dramatic progress in privatization over the last three years. Even as bombs blew up the heart of Colombo's business district in October 1997 - an area housing the central bank, the Colombo stock exchange, the Securities Exchange Commission and the Bank of Ceylon - the country earned record revenues from privatization. The sale of the country's telecom monopoly, its second-largest development bank, half a dozen small state companies and several plantation companies, raised SLR22.5 billion ($336 million) in 1997, contributing 11.5% of total government revenue. The budget deficit for 1997 fell to 7.9% from 9.4% in the previous year, no mean achievement for a country that spends around 5% of its GDP on security.
  • No single benchmark yield curve has emerged for the euro. So there is some confusion about how Eurobond issues should be priced. That anomaly raises deeper questions about how government debt and its derivatives will trade in future and which electronic platform will grab the lion's share. David Shirreff reports.
  • The euro is expected to speed the growth of a US-style market in local-authority bonds. In euroland, nations now matter less: cities and regions are becoming economic and financial actors in their own right. Banks are fighting hard to woo them as clients. But would-be investors aren't happy with the poor liquidity. What does this fast-growing market need to succeed? Marcus Walker reports.