Capitolis works with some of the largest global financial institutions and is constantly developing new trade optimization solutions for banks and buy-side firms. Its technology helps to unlock capital constraints and enables greater access to more diversified capital and investment opportunities.
The value of its multilateral optimization technology was amply demonstrated following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Within three days, Capitolis brought together a large network of global banks and, through its trade optimization platform, supported a dozen banking entities in reducing their exposure to roubles, mitigating the impacts of settlement failures.

This required Capitolis, under CEO Gil Mandelzis, to reposition its mathematical optimization tools to address a specific client need and to innovate new algorithms.
The rollout of the Standardized Approach to Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR) has contributed to the development of Capitolis’ client solutions.
By the time SA-CCR came into effect in the US and UK in January 2022, Capitolis was already offering live solutions and proof of concepts to clients to help them gain a better understanding of their data and internal processes, as well as test and validate their internal SA-CCR calculators.