It is human nature, when self-isolating at a kitchen bench amid the sound of young children’s squabbles and Netflix programmes, to consider what comes next as coronavirus Covid-19 hits Latin America.
What will be the short-term effects, and what will change our lives in the longer term?
There will of course be many impacts. There is already speculation about increases in the state’s monitoring of citizens; perhaps there will be a more permanent shift to home working and video conferencing, meaning a fall-off in business travel and physical meetings.
But I’ll stay in my lane.
There are going to be wide and deep ramifications from Covid-19 across Latin America, and they will vary depending on the effectiveness of each government’s management of the crisis and the health of the economy.
Brazil is a particularly interesting example. Before the outbreak arrived, the economy was far from healthy – GDP growth was probably only going to be around 1.5%