In a bid to capitalize on football fever ahead of the tournament, the lender launched a TV ad for its Tinkoff Black credit card featuring Russian striker Fyodor Smolov, with late-night talk-show host Ivan Urgant in the role of his coach.
Urgant’s pep talk ends with his exhortation: “Smolov, what do we need?” Smolov, looking terminally confused, says: “A goal?” – to which Urgant, waving a Tinkoff Black card at him, replies: “No, Fedya, not a goal – cashback!”
After Smolov failed to score the crucial opening penalty of the shoot-out against Croatia in the quarter-finals in Sochi, Russia’s netizens had a field day pretending he took the lesson to heart:
“We need a penalty, Fedya.”
“No, cashback!”