Since I’ve been ranting – sorry, I mean offering my informed commentary about the wonderful world of FX – I like to think that I have helped improve the standard of puff and PR that is routinely sent out. But this week I got one of the worst press releases I’ve seen for some time about a retail platform that, “experienced the highest volumes of trading during January 2008 since its launch.” It went on to say, “nearly half of all trades executed during January...were Euro/USD transactions, compared to an average of 15% in the three months prior to August’s credit crunch of 2007.”
The release included other drivel, but what it failed to mention was just how much volume had been transacted on the platform. The total may well have been impressive, but it may well have been pathetic. The company concerned won’t tell me. But as I’m nicely chilled this week, I won’t mention who sent it out.