Bank Atlas 2005: The world's largest banks

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Bank Atlas 2005: The world's largest banks

The annual guide to the leading banks across the globe by market capitalization, plus all the other key statistics you need, including the largest banks in every region.

Moody's ratings: Ratings on June 1 2005 on long-term deposits, short-term deposits, and financial strength respectively. Where there is no deposit rating on the group, the rating refers to the major bank within the group.

Shareholder equity: the sum of issued common stock, capital surplus/premium, statutory reserve, legal reserve, revaluation reserve, contingency reserves (including EU fund for general banking risk), retained earnings, net profit for the year and minority interest. Where consolidated data are used, shareholder equity includes group equity attributable to minorities.

  • Total assets: as reported in financial statements.

  • Net income: as reported in financial statements before appropriation.

  • Return on equity: net income as a percentage of period-end shareholders equity.

  • Return on assets: net income as a percentage of period-end total assets.

  • Loans to customers % customer deposits: net loans to customers as a percentage of customer deposits, at period end.

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