This article was first published on March 4 and is no longer being updated: see new story here for latest coverage.
March 5 update: Corrected to remove additional requirement for an IDA country to have suffered at least 20 deaths before being able to apply for aid. Also updates to include details of growth rate and confirmation ratio calculations, and updates Euromoney assessment of earliest trigger date to April 6.
March 6 update: Latest clarifications from World Bank: confirmation that start of event was determined to be December 31, 2019, and further trigger requirement that at least one IBRD/IDA country be affected.
March 11 update: Confirmation of growth rate and confirmation ratio assessment period running until April 6. Two days allowed for calculation, so earliest reporting date of whether all bond trigger criteria met is April 9.
April 14 update: IDA/IBRD case growth trigger has failed to be hit so bonds have not paid out. See new story here for latest coverage.
A World Health Organization (WHO) situation report on Sunday March 22 catalogued 292,142 cases of coronavirus Covid-19 across 187 countries and territories, causing 12,784 deaths.