Middle East equity research poll 2007: Methodology

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Middle East equity research poll 2007: Methodology

Middle East equity research poll 2007: Award Winners

Euromoneys first annual Middle East Research poll was conducted online from Wednesday, April 25 until Wednesday, June 13 2007.

Investors were asked to rate named analysts and teams for the categories indicated. Scores were given in all categories in the ratio of 5:4:3:2:1 for first, second, third, fourth and fifth place nominations respectively. Scores were weighted as follows to take into account the size of funds under management

Holdings of Middle Eastern equity (excluding Turkey)

Greater than $250 million – weighted by a factor of 7

Between $100 million and $249.99 million – weighted by a factor of 5

Between $50 million and $99.99 million – weighted by a factor of 3

Less than $50 million – weighting of unity

Holdings of Middle Eastern debt (excluding Turkey)

Greater than $250 million – weighted by a factor of 7

Between $100 million and $249.99 million – weighted by a factor of 5

Between $50 million and $99.99 million – weighted by a factor of 3

Less than $50 million – weighting of unity

We received 153 valid replies in total: 150 voters reported equity holdings, and 21 reported debt holdings.

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