Off the record

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Off the record

“I keep telling him to grow a set of balls. I really shouldn’t be talking to my CEO like that”

One senior investment banker wonders if he should mince his words a bit more when talking to his boss about strategy

“When I made the change, everyone suddenly found my jokes funny, and I’ve never had so many requests to hook up through LinkedIn. They can all kiss my ass!”

A former FX banker, now at a big asset management firm, explains what a move from the sell to the buy side entails

“They raised the money, and then went to the toilet”

As A- and H-share markets boom, a Chinese banker remembers the last time a stock market bubble was inflated in his country’s markets, and reflects (tastefully) on how the proceeds were misspent

“We look to bank young, intelligent individuals, often working in the financial services sector. These are the types of people that have the potential to soon become HNWIs. You probably wouldn’t fit into that category”

One private banker’s charm spectacularly fails to win over a Euromoney journalist

“If you could just replace every time Banker X referred to ‘brown’ bonds with ‘classic’ instead, that would fit better for us and our enhanced ethics policy”

One over-zealous media relations professional was concerned Euromoney readers would take offence during a discussion about green bonds and the alternative financing available

“It just means we need to be seen to be doing what we are already doing, in terms of having the right risk procedures in place. And we need to be doing what we are seen to be doing and we need to be seen internally that we are doing this”

The chief treasurer of a global systemically important bank ponders the UK’s new Senior Managers’ Regime, which reverses the burden of proof and requires bankers to demonstrate their innocence. At least we think that is what he was doing

“We might go out and steal a car this evening and take it for a joyride. There’s no such thing as bad publicity”

One fintech provider doesn’t worry about how their products make the front page, as long as they get there 

“If you don’t have optimism in this region, you die” 

A business leader in Georgia warns the EBRD annual meeting against fatalism

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