Eurowrap 30/07/12 Euromoney Skew July 30, 2012 Email LinkedIn X Facebook Show more sharing options Copy Link URLCopied! Print Email LinkedIn X Facebook A focus on the key news and analysis surrounding the eurozone crisis The euromess continuesDraghi's latest remarks show a policymaker in denial. Click here for the full storyDos and don’ts for the European Central Bank Most importantly: don’t purchase individual country bonds that bear high interest rates. Click here for the full storyGermans getting even more opposed to being in the eurozoneAnd only one third of Germans still believe Angela Merkel is making the right decisions. Click here for the full storyEurope pulls the wrong lever Italian business confidence continues to fall, Spanish unemployment continues to rise and Portugal has received a warning from the OECD. Something is still very wrong. Click here for the full story