By Alice Huang
Best Regional Strategist Christopher Wood, Jefferies
Best Strategist In Australia Jason Steed, JPMorgan
Best Strategist In Greater China Hanfeng Wang, CICC
Best Strategist In India Sanjeev Prasad, Kotak Securities
Best Strategist In Indonesia Adrian Joezer, Mandiri Sekuritas
Best Strategist In Japan Nicholas Smith, CLSA
Best Strategist In Korea So Yeon Park, Korea Investment & Securities
Best Strategist In Malaysia Ivy Ng, CGS-CIMB
Best Strategist In The Philippines Alfred Dy, CLSA
Best Strategist In Singapore Siew Khee Lim, CGS-CIMB
Best Strategist In Taiwan Yen Chen-Hui, Yuanta Securities
Best Strategist In Thailand Suchart Techaposai, CLSA
Best Strategist In Vietnam Hoang Viet Phuong, Saigon Securities Inc
Best regional strategist
more on the poll
The 31st annual Asiamoney Brokers Poll invited chief investment officers, fund managers and investment analysts to take part. Voters represented fund management houses, hedge fund & private equity firms, insurance companies and wealth management houses in Asia, Europe and North America.