Project Financing Training Programme | Case Study | Euromoney Learning
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Case Study

Our client, a European bank, was looking to upskill their project finance teams via an interactive, experiential learning programme focused on applying content to real-life transactions.

Background to the partnership
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The key to the success of the programme was ensuring that everyone had the same base knowledge level prior to meeting our subject matter expert and would leave having upskilled in the basics of project financing.

The Requirement

Our client, a European bank, wanted to upskill their Project Finance teams via an interactive, experiential learning programme. The key to the programme's success was everyone having the same base knowledge level prior to meeting our subject matter expert - ensuring the time spent with them in the classroom was focused on applying content to real transactions.

At the end of the course, people needed to be able to:

The Solution

To deliver a personalised learning journey and guarantee a consistent base level knowledge before the classroom session, participants were first asked to complete a short multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) and a written case study. Their results directed each learner to the most relevant online content, rather than spending time accessing information they already knew.

Online Learning

Participants had a 2-week window to complete their recommended online learning pathway. Depending on their prior knowledge, this took up to 4 hours to complete. Content covered Project Finance fundamentals and key terminology in the form of:

  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Online articles
  • Company-specific information.

The pathway culminated in a short MCQ assessment with a pass mark of 70%.

In-Person Workshop

The 2-day workshop incorporated:


Live Quizzes

Using interactive software to test module knowledge and ensure appropriate input for each cohort


Instructor Input and Content

To teach the core technical information, principles, models tools and techniques


Team Work

To complete case studies based on real transactions



By Structured Finance experts

Assessment & Accreditation

Throughout the workshop, participants completed a series of case studies to apply their new-found knowledge to real scenarios. At the end of the 2 days, they took part in a simulated activity to finance a project and were given feedback on their chosen approach and how well they’d structured their financing, taking into account risk, regulation and other pertinent factors.

From this feedback they were asked to submit a personal development plan describing what they would do differently when working on their next project financing, and review this with their line manager.

The Outcome

Participants now have a toolkit to evaluate project financing transactions. This as led to better structured project financing with raised awareness of the associated risks and how to mitigate them.

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Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions about this case study, or interested in our Customised Programmes, please get in touch.
