CME sees surge

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CME sees surge

The CME saw a huge upswing in volumes in November – I have to assume that the same will prove true for EBS and Reuters, which had not sent me the figures at the time of writing. I guess it was taking them longer to count up all the numbers. Anyway, when the whistle blows, the train goes, so they have both missed out on a bit of free coverage this week.

Meanwhile, the CME reports that November was its best month in 2009. Its average daily volume came in at 782,000 contracts; $106 billion in nominal terms. This is a 66% increase on the same month in 2008 and the highest non-roll month the exchange has ever had.

STOP PRESS: A last-minute effort from Icap means that I can report its figures, although having seen what they are, it may wish it hadn’t bothered to get them to me. The average daily volume on EBS in November came in at $131.2 billion, a 22% decrease when compared with November 2008. It really does seem that EBS is losing market share. 

STOP PRESS 2: It may be a bit premature to write EBS off just yet.

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