A round-up of the key stories across the specialist financial media, including breaking news on how SNB's Hildebrand has resigned.
SNB chief quits after currency trade scandal
Swiss National Bank Chairman Philipp Hildebrand is resigning with immediate effect after a scandal over a controversial currency trade made by his wife, the SNB said on Monday.
Germany issued debt on Monday for the first time with a negative yield, meaning that investors were in effect paying Berlin for the privilege of lending it money.
Dealers call for ECB to buy inflation bonds as Italy faces exit from key index
Further downgrades for Italy would cause its inflation-linked bonds to drop out of a Barclays Capital index, prompting mass selling by fund managers, dealers fear
British financial firms plan to shed jobs at a faster pace after the escalating euro zone sovereign debt crisis dented their confidence during the final three months of 2011, according to a survey published on Monday.